I don’t think I will go back to Burggasse Peep again

I don’t think I will go back to Burggasse Peep again—WSK is a sexier environment for sex. Though I have to mention Athena, she was a really warm and friendly girl, as well as beautiful. I have yet to see a really sexy girl in Vienna though. In Brussels I saw them all the time, an endless stream of mind-blowing girls in the street; even in London I see them all the time. I haven’t found a good people-watching place yet here in Vienna—perhaps this is the problem. No doubt they do have sexy girls here in Vienna—just more elusive! So what did I actually do yesterday? Just WSK and Burggasse Peep, after a long Dorint bar session, finishing with a Cafe West End steak, which gave me indigestion which woke me up and destroyed my night’s sleep, a Vienna tradition. Anyway it is probably too late for people watching (ogling)—temperatures are as low as 4°C this week and everyone is wrapped up too tightly.

The seats on the Adolphe Max side are so much better for people watching (ogling)

The seats on the Adolphe Max side are so much better for people watching (ogling). I don’t know why I ever wasted my time on the other side. Brussels has really boiled down to just 3 things: Cine Paris, the walk past the street girls of Rue des Commercants, and Fifth Avenue. And I am bored of 5th Avenue now; familiarity has bred if not contempt, at least disinterest. I will try Gare du Nord once more after 6. But I think I am quite sated with Brussels now; good. That leaves me free to enjoy Munich and Nuremberg.