Before I even reach the Dorint bar again I doubt I will get to the Butterfly House today

Before I even reach the Dorint bar again I doubt I will get to the Butterfly House today either. I noticed how big my head is compared to the rest of my body when I looked in the mirror in the early hours of this morning, having got back from Tete-a-Tete and Manhattan, which is quite something considering how big my body is. I noticed the same thing today in the lift mirror on the way down to the bar just now. Four solid days of debauchery is making my head bigger, my arse so sore I can hardly sit or shit, and my foreskin stings with soreness. Still I push on! This is my courage. I never moved more than a hundred yards from the hotel yesterday. Drank a lot in the hotel bar, ate a meal which did not fill me at all, so crossed over to Cafe West End for a proper filling meal. Back to room to sleep (too long) then started out to Tete-a-Tete and Manhattan. Left Manhattan at 3am when I was the last man left in the bar (though I think there were a couple in the bedrooms getting their filthy ends away). There were a couple of really sexy girls in Tete-a-Tete (Romanian Flori and Ukrainian Natasha) but I was the only man so that awkwardness made me leave. Manhattan by contrast was loud and busy and full of life. No more than 4 or 5 men perhaps, but two of them in particular were very happy and very loud. Again, at least 2 very sexy girls there, plump Romanian Denitsa and another slimmer black-haired Romanian. The girls here at least make some effort to do a little stage dance (without removing anything) so at least there was something to watch and the other men at least took the girls’ attention away from me, so I could have a couple of beers quite undisturbed. The jukebox was the best thing, it showed the videos as well as play the songs. The one disappointment of this trip is no music channel at all on my TV, so it was only by coming here to a brothel that I got to see my first new music of the trip! And some fantastic songs, too. Boris Bukowski Kokaine, Arash Salamati, Lasercraft 3D Nein Mann. I sat there at the bar just enjoying the music videos. Till 3am when the other men one by one drifted away and I returned to my hotel to see how big my head looked in the hotel wardrobe mirror.