The other good trick Manhattan have got is they have a video jukebox

The other good trick Manhattan have got is they have a video jukebox, so even if you say no to the girls there is something for you to sit and pay attention to, and they do make some effort to do a little twirl on the stage (without taking anything off but still). So you can drink your drink and have something to watch, so you don’t feel as awkward and pointless and sore thumb-like, as you do in all the other Gurtel night bars where you just sit on your own staring into thin air unless you buy the girls hideously expensive drinks. At Manhattan you can sit on your own and still have a pleasant dreamy time. I have to say, the girls in the Gurtel are all unfailingly attractive (to say the least) and pleasant.

Manhattan is visible from Westbahnhof so that is why it always attracts more moths to its light than the other places

Manhattan is visible from Westbahnhof, so that is why it always attracts more moths to its light than the other places, lost up the dark and forbidding looking Gurtel where no one knows they are—I don’t know how they survive at all. Wish I could stay in Vienna longer, and now I know I must come back in November.

So I am staying in Vienna for a fourth night

So I am staying in Vienna for a fourth night. The logic that I can spend time in Brussels any time, as it is just 2 hours away, but it will be quite a long time before it is possible to come back to Vienna, so makes more sense to extend my Vienna stay now. Yesterday once again I stayed too long in the hotel bar and by the time I got to Fortuna Kino I was really blotto, I felt on the verge of alcohol poisoning; a real ice in my blood, I was shivering. At some point I discovered I had lost my scarf, which made things much worse. I did not have it leaving Fortuna, but I cannot remember if I had it on the way there or not. I certainly noticed it on the way back; when the shivering set in. I grabbed a slice of pizza from the station and after that passed out in bed. Waking at last a couple of times with terrible indigestion, I took some Gaviscon and then slept some more, waking before midnight and deciding I should make the effort to go to Manhattan over the road, as it was a Saturday night. I thought the atmosphere would be better, but I discovered there were only four girls on duty; I have never known so few girls there. Melissa is now blonde, and I found her most attractive. I got back to the hotel after 5AM and was planning to stay awake for 630 breakfast but next thing I knew it was after 10, so I did not bother.

No, I was wrong. Milena’s apartment is not just behind Meidling Station

No, I was wrong. Milena’s apartment is not just behind Meidling Station where the Airport Bus stops; it is behind Meidling Hauptstraße station; it can confuse people. Yirina in Manhattan Bar is a giant St Petersburg blonde, beautiful girl, almost 6ft tall, hourglass figure, but the most massive bottom & thighs you have ever seen in your life. Like something out of a Fellini movie; and crazy; doesn’t stop laughing insanely. Melissa is a black-haired Romanian of more dour, watchful countenance, but has very beautiful bosoms, though quite tiny bottom. They are the best two Manhattan girls I think, but it’s like when a new film comes out and you watch all the trailers of it and then you feel you’ve seen the film, so can’t be bothered anymore. I’ve spent so long sitting in this bar, looking at these girls, I feel I have got to know them too well now, and cannot be bothered to do anything with them. I just feel a complete sense of over-familiarity now, without having done anything with any of them.

I was so happy in Manhattan last night

I was so happy in Manhattan last night, sitting at the bar all alone, pretty much undisturbed by the girls as they already know from before I don’t do anything, just enjoying the fantastic music videos on the jukebox. The Game Hate It or Love It (how long since I’ve heard that), T.I. Dead & Gone, Müslüm Süpervitamin. Rainhard Fendrich I am from Austria.  Das Haus von Luci Lied für meine Feinde. Rihanna Man Down. There were 4 or 5 other men there the whole time I was there; a couple would leave but another couple would come in at the same time. I actually saw a couple of customers emerging from the rooms in Angelique, and the Okay Bar as well. 10 to 4 already. I didn’t wake up till quarter to 2. In Angelique and Okay, as the girls came up one after the other to introduce themselves, I couldn’t help noticing their eyes all went straight to my stomach, and they couldn’t seem to stop looking at it. It’s not that big.

No minibar in my room

No minibar in my room (there is a fridge) but it doesn’t matter because there is basically no internet either, except for a random 5 minutes here & there (& no music channel on TV), so I do not stay long in my room except to sleep. I got to the Zentralfriedhof too late yesterday and I cannot be bothered to go again as it is too far. By the time I got to WSK it was almost empty; no girls. Dropped in to Angelique (no Lilly), Okay Bar (really beautiful tall African girl with most incredible face; I was sure she must be of some mixed race but she insists both her parents were African, too), Manhattan. Stayed a long while in Manhattan just enjoying the music videos on the jukebox. I was tempted by Denitsa, Yirina and new Bulgarian blonde Nelly but the more beer I drank the less I felt like it.

Manhattan is definitely the best of the night bars

Manhattan is definitely the best of the night bars, though. The girls do make some effort to keep up a constant little stage dance (with nothing coming off but still), their little skirts keep riding up to show off their bottoms which is at least something pleasant to look at. The other bars don’t even offer this—why would they? They have NO customers. The Manhattan is the only place where I see 2 or 3 or 4 other men so at least there is some atmosphere in the room, and some attention is distracted from me. I like to be ignored. I don’t know if this is perverse or not but I am quite happy to be ignored, until I am ready to make my choice, and wag my crooked horny little finger. Manhattan is the closest bar to Westbahnhof, which I guess is why it attracts some customers at least. I doubt whether any casual visitor to Vienna will venture any further up the horribly bleak Gurtel as far as Okay, or Bar 6, or Angelique. And Tete-a-Tete is close but hidden in a side street. Manhattan is always the only place I see other customers. Strange to say when there in a brothel I really want to see other men but it truly makes a world of difference.

So once again I went to all the Gurtel night bars and did nothing in any of them

So once again I went to all the Gurtel night bars and did nothing in any of them. I get so turned on in WSK and Fortuna but hardly at all in the night bars, so I think why pay if I am not really in the mood. I got perhaps the last U6 up to Josefstadter Straße and walked back from there. The Dream Bar is first; I rang the bell but there was no answer so I pressed on to Angelique 1 & 2. The two bars are connected so girls you have rejected in the first may well reappear in the second. I was really looking for mega-busen Lilly but her friend said she is home after an operation on her teeth, though if I bought her a drink (27 euros) she would ring Lilly and tell her to come in. I declined. On to Bar 6, really beautifully decorated for Halloween. A magnificent effort. For the first time 2 other men (local regulars) came in for a while and one was still there when I left. I didn’t bother with Okay Bar as I have never met anyone I like there, so finished in Manhattan again. I really intended to do something with Denitsa this time, or black-haired Melissa, but when push came to shove once again I didn’t really feel like it, as voluptuous and sexy-looking as she (OK, both) is/are. I did buy Denitsa a drink just to give her something. Oh and I gave one girl in Angelique a ten euro note, just because she was really sweet and gave me a big cuddle. So, back to my hotel after a relatively cheap night. I am glad I kept my money in my pocket. Earlier in Fortuna I had been so turned on I wanted to do something with the black-haired ‘Spanish’ girl but thought no, let me save it for the night bars later!

Before I even reach the Dorint bar again I doubt I will get to the Butterfly House today

Before I even reach the Dorint bar again I doubt I will get to the Butterfly House today either. I noticed how big my head is compared to the rest of my body when I looked in the mirror in the early hours of this morning, having got back from Tete-a-Tete and Manhattan, which is quite something considering how big my body is. I noticed the same thing today in the lift mirror on the way down to the bar just now. Four solid days of debauchery is making my head bigger, my arse so sore I can hardly sit or shit, and my foreskin stings with soreness. Still I push on! This is my courage. I never moved more than a hundred yards from the hotel yesterday. Drank a lot in the hotel bar, ate a meal which did not fill me at all, so crossed over to Cafe West End for a proper filling meal. Back to room to sleep (too long) then started out to Tete-a-Tete and Manhattan. Left Manhattan at 3am when I was the last man left in the bar (though I think there were a couple in the bedrooms getting their filthy ends away). There were a couple of really sexy girls in Tete-a-Tete (Romanian Flori and Ukrainian Natasha) but I was the only man so that awkwardness made me leave. Manhattan by contrast was loud and busy and full of life. No more than 4 or 5 men perhaps, but two of them in particular were very happy and very loud. Again, at least 2 very sexy girls there, plump Romanian Denitsa and another slimmer black-haired Romanian. The girls here at least make some effort to do a little stage dance (without removing anything) so at least there was something to watch and the other men at least took the girls’ attention away from me, so I could have a couple of beers quite undisturbed. The jukebox was the best thing, it showed the videos as well as play the songs. The one disappointment of this trip is no music channel at all on my TV, so it was only by coming here to a brothel that I got to see my first new music of the trip! And some fantastic songs, too. Boris Bukowski Kokaine, Arash Salamati, Lasercraft 3D Nein Mann. I sat there at the bar just enjoying the music videos. Till 3am when the other men one by one drifted away and I returned to my hotel to see how big my head looked in the hotel wardrobe mirror.