I actually liked Amanda much better today

I actually liked Amanda much better today; and fancied her as much as I did when I first saw her 3 weeks ago. She was sweeter to me as well, because I was not so drunk as yesterday. Again I stayed till after 9. I walked right past Dream Bar, Alm, Angelique 1 & 2, had a quick beer in Bar Haus 6, Okay Bar, and Manhattan (with a piccolo for Vivian), and 2 in Tete a Tete. A McDonald’s then bed. Early Saturday morning and I feel depressed now, as always after drinking. When the fog of depression lifts though, I think I will be keen to come back to Vienna for a third visit but stay longer next time, of course. My 640AM flight to London is delayed by a technical problem (ice on the runway), and here we still are, in Vienna airport, at 7.33.