The great Justice Palaces of Europe that have always meant so much to me

The great Justice Palaces of Europe that have always meant so much to me, like so many Hanging Gardens of Babylon, representing for me the battle between purity and corruption—i.e. the purity of the man who acknowledges his sexual urges and admits the pleasures he finds in releasing them with beautiful florid & lurid young women of the Tingel Tangels and the bordellos, versus the corruption of those mean, vicious, jealous members of society who try to destroy the man for his honesty—will come to have a greater significance than ever before. How many beautiful, honest, handsome gentlemen will find themselves brought before a Judge and made a criminal, made a pariah, made an Oscar Wildean figure of shame to be spat at by all and sundry on railway station platforms or in the street. All because he hadn’t had sex for a long while and really really needed it!