The carpet in my Ibis Altstadt hotel was beautiful—all poppies. Like it was designed by some absolute opium addict

The carpet in my Ibis Altstadt hotel was beautiful—all poppies. Like it was designed by some absolute opium addict. A real German Thomas de Quincey. I was thrilled to discover they had a nice music channel as well! So unusual these days. Rather good one as well, Deluxe. Lot of songs I’ve never heard before, lots of German music. Excellent. I will certainly always stay at this hotel if I come to Nuremberg again. Next time I travel to Vienna I expect I will give Frankfurt another try. For the first time ever today I will be arriving at the new Wien Hauptbahnhof rather than my beloved Westbahnhof. It means getting a tram to my hotel, if I can work out which one I need to get.
Nuremberg (1)

Can you believe after one night in Brussels and four nights in Berlin I’ve not seen one single music video

Can you believe after one night in Brussels, and four nights in Berlin, I’ve not seen one single music video. All that fantastic Belgian, French and German pop music I am completely missing out on. It is a crying shame. And music forms such a strong part of your memories of a holiday (or anything); yet I go home with no musical memories whatsoever. It is really so stupid; I don’t know why nobody else feels this loss as I do. You can watch German music on YouTube but IT IS NOT THE SAME! I want to turn on my TV and be surprised by great German music by great German bands I have never heard of! This used to be one of the greatest joys of travelling for me.