Well standing at the Rogier cash machine I see a Belgian girl walking towards me

Well, standing at the Rogier cash machine I see a Belgian girl walking towards me, long wavy brown hair, glasses, little black & white tight top, blue denim shorts, very curvy, and busty; and she was bouncing, all the way towards me and past me; just bouncing. The greatest moment of the trip so far, and it will take a lot to beat that. Another very warm but windy Brussels day. Rain and thunderstorms predicted for night time. Why Fifth Avenue has no girls (anymore) like this black & white top girl? Not a single girl I would ever want to sleep with yesterday. Actually I’m really disappointed. I thought come here in high summer and I’d see more sexy girls than I normally do. In fact there are less. Where have they all gone? That girl with the black & white top who bounced past me at the cash machine is the only sexy girl I have seen.

How funny arriving back in Brussels

How funny, arriving back in Brussels has kind of instantly rekindled my faith in travelling. Delighted I didn’t have to pay a fortune to buy another Eurostar ticket, enjoying the sexy girls in the Gare du Midi, loving the beautiful Orient Express bar. Twenty past six, on my second small Jupiler, another hour to kill before I cross back over to Midi; I actually fear crossing the road again; it really scares me. Same as last time there is a gentleman standing at the fruit machine just slapping the buttons aggressively and obsessively; he looks like the owner, as he does not drink or eat; he looks a bit like Louis Van Gaal but don’t think he is. Slap-slap-slap, the bar staff must get sick of listening to it.

Before I even reach the Dorint bar again I doubt I will get to the Butterfly House today

Before I even reach the Dorint bar again I doubt I will get to the Butterfly House today either. I noticed how big my head is compared to the rest of my body when I looked in the mirror in the early hours of this morning, having got back from Tete-a-Tete and Manhattan, which is quite something considering how big my body is. I noticed the same thing today in the lift mirror on the way down to the bar just now. Four solid days of debauchery is making my head bigger, my arse so sore I can hardly sit or shit, and my foreskin stings with soreness. Still I push on! This is my courage. I never moved more than a hundred yards from the hotel yesterday. Drank a lot in the hotel bar, ate a meal which did not fill me at all, so crossed over to Cafe West End for a proper filling meal. Back to room to sleep (too long) then started out to Tete-a-Tete and Manhattan. Left Manhattan at 3am when I was the last man left in the bar (though I think there were a couple in the bedrooms getting their filthy ends away). There were a couple of really sexy girls in Tete-a-Tete (Romanian Flori and Ukrainian Natasha) but I was the only man so that awkwardness made me leave. Manhattan by contrast was loud and busy and full of life. No more than 4 or 5 men perhaps, but two of them in particular were very happy and very loud. Again, at least 2 very sexy girls there, plump Romanian Denitsa and another slimmer black-haired Romanian. The girls here at least make some effort to do a little stage dance (without removing anything) so at least there was something to watch and the other men at least took the girls’ attention away from me, so I could have a couple of beers quite undisturbed. The jukebox was the best thing, it showed the videos as well as play the songs. The one disappointment of this trip is no music channel at all on my TV, so it was only by coming here to a brothel that I got to see my first new music of the trip! And some fantastic songs, too. Boris Bukowski Kokaine, Arash Salamati, Lasercraft 3D Nein Mann. I sat there at the bar just enjoying the music videos. Till 3am when the other men one by one drifted away and I returned to my hotel to see how big my head looked in the hotel wardrobe mirror.

I don’t think I will go back to Burggasse Peep again

I don’t think I will go back to Burggasse Peep again—WSK is a sexier environment for sex. Though I have to mention Athena, she was a really warm and friendly girl, as well as beautiful. I have yet to see a really sexy girl in Vienna though. In Brussels I saw them all the time, an endless stream of mind-blowing girls in the street; even in London I see them all the time. I haven’t found a good people-watching place yet here in Vienna—perhaps this is the problem. No doubt they do have sexy girls here in Vienna—just more elusive! So what did I actually do yesterday? Just WSK and Burggasse Peep, after a long Dorint bar session, finishing with a Cafe West End steak, which gave me indigestion which woke me up and destroyed my night’s sleep, a Vienna tradition. Anyway it is probably too late for people watching (ogling)—temperatures are as low as 4°C this week and everyone is wrapped up too tightly.

I was thinking I have not seen any sexy girls this time in Berlin

I was thinking I have not seen any sexy girls this time in Berlin, but my god, they all came out today. Pretty, beautiful, sexy, mindblowing, they were all around me today, especially on the bus journey back from Friedrichstraße to Zoo. Too many to mention. Best memories of this trip to Berlin then: almost nothing. King George was a really interesting & enjoyable experience, and better than Caligula, in terms of beauty of the girls and just general ambience of the club. Lovely to see Sissi again; she is one of the Esmeraldas you meet who you would definitely like to have as a girlfriend.

When will I learn my lesson

When will I learn my lesson, you meet such sexy nubile girls at train stations, classical music concerts, art museums, compared to the poor quality of girls you meet in strip clubs these days. Again, that instantly makes me think of Natalia in Munich. The next trip must be Munich. She sticks in my mind so much. A new Riccarda, Sharon Stone in Sliver. You have to keep going to these clubs or you never meet the rare good ones I suppose.

Brussels is hot and sunny. Not at all what I want to see when I come to Brussels in October

Brussels is hot and sunny. Not at all what I want to see when I come to Brussels in October. Tomorrow at least should be cool and showery so I will feel more at ease tomorrow. 5 past 3 and I am already quite drunk on Café du Dome stellas. I wonder if I will ever get to La Monnaie for Lulu at 7. My number one thought here in Brussels is I want to find a long pair of boots for—–, but I cannot think like that. I have got to think like I am single, and completely alone—only then can I have any enjoyment out of being here in Brussels alone. Being in love with someone makes such a difference. I wonder at what time I will start to see the North Africans on the streets, the Moroccans, in their black leather jackets and blue jeans? I wonder at exactly what time will a couple of them try to rob me? Oh no 15:14 and I have got hiccups! Bloody hell! Four men have just come out of the Cine ABC at the same time. Have they closed? Maybe they were just waiting for the first striptease of the day (on the hour) and she was no good. When I get back to London I am working almost every day up to the 11th November. I am happy about this—to pay for the money I am spending here in Brussels now and to pay for the trip I want to take to Berlin at the end of November. If not travelling, I want to be working. It is amazing how many sexy girls I saw at Gare du Midi in 10 minutes compared to the zero I have seen here at the Café du Dome windows in two hours.

I saw more gorgeous sexy girls at Gare du Midi in the 10 minutes I was there than I do in London in a whole week

I saw more gorgeous, sexy girls at Gare du Midi in the 10 minutes I was there than I do in London in a whole week. So sad that I have lost Maes Corner to sit and watch them from (I already lost the Pullman about 5 years ago). There is now nowhere in Gare du Midi to have a drink?